[QB/ESX] Food Deliveries

[QB/ESX] Food Deliveries


Supported Frameworks : , ,

Food Deliveries is a script built with the intention to connect players with different jobs while allowing for more interactive and dynamic job tasks in food related businesses. Players are able to start accepting mobile orders and get assigned locations to pickup and drop off orders to locals. Pickup locations can be restocked by business workers with the correct job. If a player has a job associated with a pickup spot, they will only receive orders from those locations and not rival businesses. Restocking and delivering within a food business can be limited by job grade where managers need to promote workers to be able to restock or deliver.

Overall, this resource adds a fun new side-job for players to make money while adding more content for player-ran food related businesses.

Showcase :

Features :

  • Players pickup/deliver mobile orders at various locations
  • Workers restock pickup locations for orders
  • Payouts, tips, locations, etc all configurable
  • Simple and highly customizable


You may choose whether or not to use a third-eye targeting system with this script. Otherwise, a simple dialog asking them to hit ‘E’ is displayed. Compatible targeting systems include qb-target and ox_target

Designed with compatibility at the forefront. All features are 1-1 translated between the QBCore and ESX frameworks ensuring there is no difference between the two. Simple signify your desired framework within config.lua and you are good to go.

This script depends on PolyZone for location logic and ox_lib for interactions and notifications.


All locations, various settings, and most UI text can be set in either config.lua or lang.lua

Config FileClick Here
Language FileClick Here


Simple drag and drop into your server resources file, remember to “ensure j-food-deliveries” in your server config.