qb-business with 8 preconfigured businesses!

qb-business with 8 preconfigured businesses!


SKU: TEBEX9080 Categories: , ,

qb-business with 8 preconfigured businesses!

Package Description

qb-businesses, a one in all buisness script which allows unlimited amount of businesses comes with 8 businesses already preconfigured!

Showcase :

Features :
– Supports 8 Businesses out of the box, however you can add unlimited businesses
– Business Manager, they can create drinks and foods which will be avaible on the server no more creating items in shared.lua
– Dynamic recipes, business owners can now create their OWN menus to truely make their business their very OWN
– Business DUI (Changeable Screens)
– Most businesses have sittable chairs and easy to add
– Businesses can choose the emote people use when eating foods
– Configureable peds and UwU petting
– Configureable props when entering businesses
– Supports qb locale system so you can edit all text for your language!
– Runs 0.00ms Idle, 0.01ms when making food.


BEAN MACHINE https://fivem.gabzv.com/package/4976870

PIZZA THIS https://fivem.gabzv.com/package/4724795

UwU Cafe https://fivem.gabzv.com/package/4724734

Vanilla Unicorn https://fivem.gabzv.com/package/4724693

Pops Diner https://fivem.gabzv.com/package/4775182

Tequilala https://forum.cfx.re/t/mlo-all-hassaric-s-maps-for-free/4776406

Burgershot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h47N3ES_4tA&ab_channel=Gusepe73-GNMods

Hen House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h-XbJFLa_k&ab_channel=Smokey

– Business DUI (https://gyazo.com/dc6c7c049166a036a731ad8b812b62c3)
– Station Menus (https://gyazo.com/a2eb7b3858adf9d944b804d5dcac2a2e)
– Management Menu (https://gyazo.com/d64ae01a68b8c65ecbbd89f45970a7d6)
– Create Items dynamicly (https://gyazo.com/162993129ddbc6d4594517bb5fe315cf) (these will be avaible straight away)
– Edit Recipes (https://gyazo.com/6f2e704d2bc18cb8a0297ede94fecf11) (Here you can also edit the description of the items)
– UwU Cat Petting (https://gyazo.com/66f1f0eba2b2de2b5675f83858608880)
– VU Strippers (https://gyazo.com/91b617ed57db580f63db6fe493dacef9)

– Latest version of QBCore,
– QBCore inventory, there’s no support for 3rd party inventories.

*Note, this script does not come with any pre configured recipes as thats up to the business owner to create*

2 reviews for qb-business with 8 preconfigured businesses!

  1. Scott White

    The qb-business with 8 script is a game-changer. It’s made my server so much more enjoyable for players.

  2. Friks 007

    The qb-business with 8 script is a lifesaver! It’s helped me add new features to my server quickly.

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