qb-mechanicjob v2 | Very Advanced Mechanic Job

qb-mechanicjob v2 | Very Advanced Mechanic Job


SKU: TEBEX5927 Categories: , ,

qb-mechanicjob v2 | Very Advanced Mechanic Job

Advanced FiveM mechanic script for QBCore and QBXCore where you can create workshops and stations with a menu ingame, have mods as item and can block the mods to a certain vehicle class.

Showcase :

Dependencies :


  • ox_inventory or qb-inventory
  • ox_target or qb-target
  • ox_lib
  • oxmysql
  • qbx-core or qb-core
Features :
  • Menu to create, edit and delete workshops ingame
  • Menu to create, edit and delete stations ingame
  • Preview menu to preview the vehicle mods before apply it (only for mechanics)
  • When exiting preview you receive a list of the changed mods at vehicle to apply
  • Repair stations to repair a vehicle with money (the price changes based on the vehicle health)
  • Cosmetics item to apply on the vehicle
  • Option to create performance items such as transmission, engine, suspension, etc…
  • Performance items is blocked to certain vehicle classes that you can set to the vehicles
  • Shop for mechanic to buy the items, can configure all the items that you want
  • Craft for mechanic to craft the items, can configure all the items that you want
  • Repair kit to repair vehicle engine
  • Mechanic toolbox to repair and check vehicle performance
  • The repair with the toolbox is made using the items setted at config
  • Advanced registers system to charge customers receiving a comission and sending the money to the society
  • Flat bed system to tow vehicles
  • Garage system to take out the work vehicles

1 review for qb-mechanicjob v2 | Very Advanced Mechanic Job

  1. Cristophian dhieux

    I’ve been using the qb-mechanicjob v2 | script for a while now, and I’m still impressed with how well it works.

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