FREE Most Advanced Chopshop by RainMad

FREE Most Advanced Chopshop by RainMad


Supported Frameworks : , ,

FREE Most Advanced Chopshop by RainMad

Dependencies :

  • ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ESX Framework, QBCore Framework (support all versions) or Qbox Framework.
  • ox_lib

Features :

  • Purchasing Necessary Items:
    ○ Firstly, you need purchase necessary items (welding machine & digiscanner) from mission NPC. After acquiring the necessary items, you can get the chopshop job from the same NPC.
    (You can decide at what times of the day the task will be performed according to the in-game time.)
    dayn night
  • Locating the Vehicle:
    ○ After receiving the mission, go to the area marked on the map and start searching for the vehicle using the DIGISCANNER. Once you’ve found the vehicle, use the DIGISCANNER around the house where the vehicle is located. When you reach the correct corner, you will see the vehicle key.
    (You can change the minigame that appears as per your preferences.)
  • Dismantling the Vehicle:
    ○ Now it’s time to dismantle the car! Head to the vehicle dismantling location marked on your map and dismantle all parts of the vehicle.
  • Trading or Selling:
    ○ After dismantling, return to the location where you accepted the quest. You can either sell the parts you obtained or trade them for other items.
  • Logs & Optimization & Files
    ○ rm_chopshop (Most Advanced Chopshop) has detailed discord log. (buy/sell/trade items, job started/finished/canceled)
    ○ rm_chopshop (Most Advanced Chopshop) supports:
    Target: ox_target, qb-target, qtarget (bridge/target)
    Vehicle Key: qb-vehiclekeys, wasabi_carlock, qs-vehiclekeys, cd_garage (bridge/vehiclelock)
    Minigames: rm_minigames, ox_lib, qb-minigames, (bridge/minigames)
    Text UI: okok_textUI, ox_lib text UI, esx_textui (bridge/textui)
    Dispatch: default-dispatch, qs-dispatch, cd_dispatch, ps-dispatch, rcore_dispatch, sonoran_cad (bridge/dispatch)
    If your existing systems are not on this list, we can easily add them if you send us the necessary documentation.
    ○ This resource is running at idle with 0.00-0.01ms.
    ○ This resource is FULLY open source.
    ○ Some of the files are open for notifications and many editable things. (bridge/, locales)

Config and Locale :

  • For this script, you can change vehicle models, house/key locations (15+ pre-configured location), vehicle dismantling location and everything.
    image image

Showcase : 


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More Details

  • This product is FULLY OPEN SOURCE which means you can edit it however you like.
  • Updates are provided on your email and Downloads section in 'My Account' section.

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