Wheelkeep aka Save Vehicle Steering Angle
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Wheelkeep aka Save Vehicle Steering Angle
Wheelkeep aka Save Vehicle Steering Angle
This script keeps the steering angle of your wheels when exiting the vehicle.
When exiting the vehicle by holding down the F key (default) the steering angle of your wheels wont be reset like usual.
The steering will be synced by the server so it’s perfect for displaying cars at a cardealer or car-meet.
If you want raw performance you can enable lightMode which will disable server side syncing.
Although the angle might get lost if all players leave the area.
Config File:
Config.holdTime = 0.5
-- How long you need to hold the key down (in seconds, default: 0.5)
Config.key = 49
-- What key do you want to use. I recommend you use F (default 49). https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/
Config.lightMode = false
-- If you enable this, the script will not use the server function. If a car is not in range of a player it will lose the steering angle. This would be bad when i.e. displaying cars at the cardealer
Config.interval = 5
-- If you are using the server functions (lightMode = false) then this is how often (in seconds) the steering angle will be set. (default 5) -- If you assume server impact you can increase this before going into lightMode.
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Adam Gese –
The Wheelkeep aka Save script is a fantastic investment. I’ve already seen a return on it!