Wheelkeep aka Save Vehicle Steering Angle

Wheelkeep aka Save Vehicle Steering Angle


SKU: TEBEX9777 Categories: , ,

Wheelkeep aka Save Vehicle Steering Angle


This script keeps the steering angle of your wheels when exiting the vehicle.

When exiting the vehicle by holding down  the F key (default) the steering angle of your wheels wont be reset like usual.
The steering will be synced by the server so it’s perfect for displaying cars at a cardealer or car-meet.

If you want raw performance you can enable lightMode which will disable server side syncing.
Although the angle might get lost if all players leave the area.



Config File:

Config.holdTime = 0.5
-- How long you need to hold the key down (in seconds, default: 0.5)

Config.key = 49 
-- What key do you want to use. I recommend you use F (default 49). https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/

Config.lightMode = false              
-- If you enable this, the script will not use the server function. If a car is not in range of a player it will lose the steering angle. This would be bad when i.e. displaying cars at the cardealer

Config.interval = 5
-- If you are using the server functions (lightMode = false) then this is how often (in seconds) the steering angle will be set. (default 5) -- If you assume server impact you can increase this before going into lightMode.


1 review for Wheelkeep aka Save Vehicle Steering Angle

  1. Adam Gese

    The Wheelkeep aka Save script is a fantastic investment. I’ve already seen a return on it!

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