Tattoos Shop with Hair Degrade

Tattoos Shop with Hair Degrade


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Tattoos Shop with Hair Degrade


  • This script is a tattoo shop containing basically all the tattoos in the game, if I’m not forgetting any right  :)
  • In this store you also have a very interesting option, which is the gradient Hair Degrade.
  • Obviously this option should not be in this store, but, as it is in the same system as tattoos, I put it as an EXTRA, you can choose whether to use it or not.
  • A very important warning, some tattoos like mpheist4, mpheist3 and mpvinewood are necessary to use FiveM’s Build 2189 (sv_enforceGameBuild 2189).
  • If you do not want to force this build, these tattoos are disabled by default and you will have to transmit these tattoos (Addon).
  • And in the script, it does not come with the files of these tattoos, that is, in the standard fivem build, these tattoos will not work.



  • You will receive 2 versions of this script: ESX and Standalone.
  • Easy to translate and configure
  • Graphic interface.
  • Press E on the blip to open the store.
  • Use the arrows on your keyboard, Up, Down, Left, Right to move the menu.
  • Use the ENTER key to confirm the purchase of the tattoo.
  • Use the DELETE key to remove a tattoo.
  • Free camera giving the player to view the tattoo the way they want.
  • The player’s clothes are automatically removed when they enter the menu, and when they leave, they are replaced again.
  • Shows the value of the tattoo in that category.
  • Shows how many tattoos you have in that category.
  • When you are seeing the tattoos, if you already have that tattoo, you are informed in the menu.
  • To close the store and confirm your purchase, simply exit the blip or press ESC.

How to configure

  • In order for this script to work correctly, it is necessary to DISABLE any tattoo script you may have on your server.
  • Just put it in your resources folder, add it to your server.cfg (start mx_tattoos) and start the server
  • It is necessary to configure the clothes, that is, put the id of some invisible clothes so that the player can see the tattoos, this can be done in the ‘list_cloth’ in configurate.lua, just change the male_id and female_id
  • At configurate.lua, you can change the prices of tattoos, remove some category of tattoo, feel free.
  • In configurate.lua and tattoos_vectors.lua, you can add tattoos ADDONS, however, we do not provide any support for this.
  • In order for all tattoos already defined in configurate.lua, it is necessary to use BUILD (sv_enforceGameBuild 2189), otherwise, it is necessary to transmit the DLC.
  • In configurate.lua, you can activate or deactivate the removal of clothes, in case you already have a command that does this.
  • In configurate.lua, you can translate any text that the graphical interface has in any way you want.
  • In configurate.lua, you can change the scale, position, and adjust it as desired.
  • At configurate.lua, you can enable the option of FREE tattoos, that is, the player will not be charged.



Swapped the Spawnplayer event for the ESX own event


  • Increased the waiting time when retrieving information from the database when the spawn player
  • Added a notification when entering the store’s blip. You can change the text of this notification on configurate.lua
  • Fixed a bug when buying a tattoo, if the player had no money, he could buy the tattoo, now no more

Attention: To those who had support with me and had to make changes, mainly because of the ESX event (“esx: getSharedObject”), be careful when using this new version, you will have to redo the changes again

Update 2.0 (Build 2.0)

Html (VueJS)

  • Fixed an index error when browsing tattoos
  • Fixed a font family bug where some customers had a default font family
  • Updated fxmanist.lua (fx_version)
  • Now you can change the resource folder name
  • Added 62 tattoos that were missing (DLC: Christmas2017 and DLC: Christmas2018)

1 review for Tattoos Shop with Hair Degrade

  1. sarah okarski

    The Tattoos Shop with script is a lifesaver! It’s helped me add new features to my server quickly.

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