[QB/ESX] Racing Script for FiveM

[QB/ESX] Racing Script for FiveM


SKU: TEBEX2523 Categories: , ,

[QB/ESX] Racing Script for FiveM



  • Supports STANDALONE, ESX and QBCORE.
  • You can set up easily unique races with this script.
  • You can create endless amounts of race tracks.
  • The whole menu is synchronized for every players. (For example: You see immedietly if someone create a party.)
  • Menu: Good for all screen sizes (1280×720, 1440×900, 1600×900, 1920×1080, etc.)
  • Easy menu translate.
  • Admin commands. (kick player from party, clear party, show party names)
  • Players can choose which vehicle the want to race with. (Choose from which you previously set in the config.)
  • Players can set entrance fees. (After the race the winner get all the money.)**You can turn is off in the config.**)
  • Every menu color / checkpoint color, size / blips are configurable per track.
  • Who created the race party, can kick other players from the party, while the party isn’t started.
  • You can set the accessibity to request. (Only that person can join who you accept.)
  • Built in spectate function. (After you finished you can spectate the other players who aren’t finished.
  • The script saves the all time records and the today records per track.
  • You get custom notify if somebody, who is in the same race as you, is finished the race.
  • Unique racer HUD.
  • Info panel. (describe the function to a new player)
  • Fully Optimized: 0.00-0.03 ms. (if you are not near it: 0.00ms.)

More infos: Documentation

2 reviews for [QB/ESX] Racing Script for FiveM

  1. Adrian Caraus

    The [QB/ESX] Racing Script script is a fantastic investment. I’ve already seen a return on it!

  2. Joe Ahliki

    The [QB/ESX] Racing Script script is a fantastic investment. I’ve already seen a return on it!

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