qb-scoreboard v2 | qb-core

qb-scoreboard v2 | qb-core


SKU: TEBEX1999 Categories: ,

qb-scoreboard for latest qb-core



  • Download the scripts and put them in the  [resource] or [standalone]  folder.
  • Add the following code to your  server.cfg/resouces.cfg
ensure Discord_API
ensure nc-scoreboard


In the  Discord_API  folder you will need to go to  config.lua  and follow the following code.


  Config = {
	Guild_ID = 'Put Discord Server ID',
	Bot_Token = 'Put Your Bot Token',
	RoleList = {Member}, -- Discord Role
  • that’s it! Best of luck.

1 review for qb-scoreboard v2 | qb-core

  1. Francis Leduc

    This qb-scoreboard v2 | script is fantastic! It was easy to install and configure.

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