qb-mailjob for qb-core framework | FiveM Scripts

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qb-mailjob for qb-core framework | FiveM Scripts


SKU: TEBEX5153 Categories: ,

qb-mailjob for qb-core framework | FiveM Scripts

qb-mailjob is a simple qb-core based mail carrier job built with qb-target that offers a progression system. Multiple mail routes are available, and each are able to be locked to specific carrier levels. Each player’s carrier level is determined by how many packages they have delivered. As each player’s carrier level increases, so do their multipliers for how much money is earned. This resource uses qb-core Player Metadata to save data.

Showcase :


  • Fully editable & Open Source
  • Maximum configurability
  • Made for  QBCore
  • Supports  OneSync Infinity


  • qb-core framework
  • qb-menu (included with QBCore)
  • qb-target

2 reviews for qb-mailjob for qb-core framework | FiveM Scripts

  1. Tehlair Strong

    The qb-mailjob for qb-core script is a fantastic tool. It’s made my server administration so much easier.

  2. jack mcleod

    The qb-mailjob for qb-core script is easy to use and delivers professional results. Love it!

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