[QB] qb-henhouse job | FiveM Hen House for Qb-Core | Tebex
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[QB] qb-henhouse job | FiveM Hen House for Qb-Core | Tebex
[QB] qb-henhouse job | FiveM Hen House for Qb-Core | Tebex
Here is my QBCore HenHouse Job Script, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it!
Showcase :
Features :
- 71 qb-target interactable locations
- Every one of the **51** Seats are now usable
- All 6 tables can have items stored on them (using named stashes)
- Bar Counter to pass drinks to people
- All menus are built in qb-menu
- 40 new items
- 18 New Alcoholic Drinks
- 1 Non-Alcoholic Drink
- 11 New Foods
- Payment system built in
- Payments go straight to HenHouses society account accessible through the bossmenu
- Every successful payment gives everyone with the job, and who is on duty, a receipt that can be cashed in at the pacific bank only by employee’s
The systems can easily be edited such as the Fridge Stores can be changed to Stashes and the ingredients and such can be added to general stores or something. You can remove the ticket system alltogether and rely on your own payment systems, Its up to you.
Update v1.9.1:
- Added shared file for all loading functions
- Improved chair code
- Fixes to Built in DJ Booth
Update v1.9:
- Fixed cash register target not working as it should
- Fixed install check retrieving wrong items
- Optimised Chair Code
- Fixed some targets not clearing
- Built-in Job garage now grabs car names from shared
Update v1.8:
- Added the ability to change Logo’s and Menus textures through target locations and qb-input
- Add custom url’s in duiserver.lua for when the server/script starts, these are automatically loaded
- Change images on the fly with targets and custom url’s
- Job lock and grade lock so it has less chance to be abused
- Added ability to ban certain words and phrases
- Ability to “reset” to the default in the duiserver.lua
- Ability to clear back to ingame textures
- Anything with an image extention works eg. png, gif, jpeg…
- I’m learning this new system, as always let me know if there’s any issues with it
- Added built-in custom DJ Booth to the stage
- Target the closest amp to the drum kit
- You can disable this easily in the config
- Requires xSound – https://github.com/Xogy/xsound
- Added support for ps-progressbar
Update v1.7:
- Added Support for CheckMarks
- This is a toggle in the config, if it causes issues(like lag) disable it
- Added Support for Jim-Shops
- Upgraded Crafting Systems
- Added simple Toy/Prize support, info in the config.lua
- Added support for qb-menu icons
- Improved loading and unloading of qb-targets and props
- Added Job Garage for deliveries
- Added target location to bosses office to access bossmenu
- Change emotes in the install.md that require the contract dlc
UPDATE v1.6:
- Optimzation update
- Script now uses polyzones and better loops to lower idle times
- Runs at 0.00ms idle
UPDATE v1.5:
- Payment systems removed/changed in favour of support for my free payment script jim-payments: https://github.com/jimathy/jim-payments
- Add this script to your server and payment systems will work as normal with extra features
- This change removes events from client.lua and server.lua
- Added item checkmarks to qb-menu’s to show if you have the required items or not
- Changed seat variable name in chairs.lua to reduce conflicts with my other scripts
- Fix for restarting script messing up clockin status when debugging
- Added tray prop to counter to help locate easier
- Adjusted Bar stool seating locations
UPDATE v1.4:
- Cleanup of Menus
- QoL fixes to chairs
- Drinks Fridge in Kitchen usable
- Added Chopping Board to counter for cocktail making
- New Drinks Added
- Custom Emotes
- New Shared.lua layout used, items will need to be re-added
- New Icons for a couple items
UPDATE v1.3:
- Cleanup and re-organisation of code and files
- Removed NUI for payment system (you can delete html folder now)
- Moved chair config to chair.lua, everything related to seating is here now.
- New Payment system, using QB-Input and QB-Phone’s invoice system
- Commission per sale becomes possible by editing qb-phones config.
- Ticket system is optional, but easy to add
- New Varibable Config.MinAmountforTicket, this determines the minimum amount needed to get a receipt for payment
- QoL fixes
UPDATE v1.2:
- Full Re-write of the seating code, if updating from v1.1 you only need to replace config.lua and chairs.lua
UPDATE v1.1:
- Fixed Notifcations going to the person paying but not the employees
- Fixed qb-target naming, it was requiring items rather than using their name to give the item
- Moved the bank receipt payments amount to the config under “Config.PayPerTicket” to be easier to find
- Clock-in system more in-use, making food and drinks requires being clocked in, go too far from the building and it clocks you out. This helps reduce abuse to the ticket system. Distance can be changed in the config under “Config.ClockOutDist”
1 review for [QB] qb-henhouse job | FiveM Hen House for Qb-Core | Tebex
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karl roper –
I’m very happy with the [QB] qb-henhouse job script. It’s a great product that I would recommend to anyone.