Most Advanced House Robbery ft RAINMAD

Most Advanced House Robbery ft RAINMAD

Original price was: $35.Current price is: $25.

Supported Frameworks : , ,

Most Advanced House Robbery ft RAINMAD

Dependencies :

  • ESX Framework, QBCore Framework (support all versions) or Qbox Framework.
  • ox_lib 

Overview :

  • Purchasing Necessary Items:
    ○ Firstly, you need purchase necessary item (welding machine) from mission NPC. After acquiring the necessary item, you can get the house robbery job from the same NPC.
    (You can decide at what times of the day the task will be performed according to the in-game time.)
    dayn night
  • Locating the House:
    ○ After receiving the mission, head to the area marked on the map and start welding the house’s keypad.
  • Rob the House:
    ○ You can enter the house either alone or with friends to begin the robbery.
    ○ Each house type has carriable items and various corners to search.
    ○ Inside, you’ll also find a private safe (featuring a minigame of your choice) and a houseowner, armed with a bat or gun, sleeping in the bedroom.
  • House Types:
    rm_houserobbery has pre-configured 3 house type.
    I. Lowend
    House Robbery with Welding Minigame 2-30 screenshot
    II. Midend
    House Robbery with Welding Minigame 2-32 screenshot
    III. Highend
    House Robbery with Welding Minigame 2-38 screenshot
    ○ You can also check this to create a house for robbery.
    House Robbery – Creating a House for Robbery
  • Trading or Selling:
    ○ After the robbery, return to the location where you accepted the quest. You can either sell the stolen items or trade them for other items.
  • Logs & Optimization & Files
    ○ rm_houserobbery has detailed disc*** log. (buy/sell/trade items, job started/finished/canceled and winning any item or money)
    ○ rm_houserobbery has item lists and images for inventory scripts.
    ○ rm_houserobbery supports:
    Inventory: ox_inventory, qs-inventory, qb-inventory and other inventory scripts.
    (Integration is required for qb and other inventory scripts, please review the documentation.) (bridge/inventory)
    House Robbery Documentation
    Target: ox_target, qb-target, qtarget (bridge/target)
    Minigames: rm_minigames, ox_lib, qb-minigames, (bridge/minigames)
    Text UI: okok_textUI, ox_lib text UI, esx_textui (bridge/textui)
    Dispatch: default-dispatch, qs-dispatch, cd_dispatch, ps-dispatch, rcore_dispatch, sonoran_cad (bridge/dispatch)
    If your existing systems are not on this list, we can easily add them if you send us the necessary documentation.
    ○ This resource is running at idle with 0.00-0.01ms.
    ○ This resource is using Asset Escrow System by FiveM. The open source version is in store.
    ○ Some of the files are open for notifications and many editable things. (bridge/, locales)

Update :

  • Replaced the hidden safe behind the picture with an animated safe on the table, featuring a smooth, dynamic opening sequence for enhanced realism.

Configuration & Language :

  • For this script, you can change inside of house types (searchables, collectables, safe, resident) add new house for robbery, prices, reward and everything.

image  image


Showcase :


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  • This product is FULLY OPEN SOURCE which means you can edit it however you like.
  • Updates are provided on your email and Downloads section in 'My Account' section.

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