Advance Helicopter Camera

Advance Helicopter Camera


SKU: TEBEX9463 Categories: , ,

Helicopter Camera

Realistic helicopter camera with real world inspired UI.


Helicopter Camera is a standalone resource that introduces a realistic helicopter camera with a modern and real-world-inspired UI. The script can be configured more or less however you want, and the code is open source.

Showcase :

Most key binds are using keymapping, so each player can choose their own, or stick to the default. The default keybinds are as the following:

[E] Toggle Camera

[MOUSE] Move Camera (no keymapping)
[SCROLL] Zoom in/out (no keymapping)
[SPACE] Lock onto vehicles/peds/ground

[G] Toggle Spotlight
[ALT + SCROLL] Adjust spotlight brightness
[CTRL + SCROLL] Adjust spotlight radius

[RMB] Cycle vision (thermal/nightvision)
[MMB] Add/remove marker

[X] Rappel from helicopter

By default, the script also disables police scanners and flight music sounds.


  • Server artifacts 5181 or newer
  • Game build 2060 or higher
  • Onesync Infinity (for markers and spotlight)

Technical Information

  • Code is accessible: Yes, everything is accessible
  • Lines of code: 2100 (approximately)
  • File size: 856 kB

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More Details

  • This product is FULLY OPEN SOURCE which means you can edit it however you like.
  • Updates are provided on your email and Downloads section in 'My Account' section.

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