FREE Realistic Airdrop Script

FREE Realistic Airdrop Script


FREE Realistic Airdrop Script

FREE Realistic Airdrop Script. You can use /createdrop command or can set time schedule for airdrops from config.



  • ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ESX or QBCore (support all versions).
  • Game build must be 2944 or higher. Server version must be 5181 or higher.


  • Airdrop
    ○ You can use /createdrop command or can set time schedule for airdrops from config.
    ○ You can manually set the number of planes with the /createdrop [count] command.
    ○ Multiple airdrop can be createable.
    ○ You can have more than one plane arrive by entering multiple airdrop chances in the config.
    ○ Realistic sounds using game natives.
    ○ The plane spawns at the point you specify and moves towards the airdrop location…
    ○ The plane has no collision and therefore does not hit anything. It cannot be damaged by anyone.
  • Items
    ○ In the config, you can adjust which items will appear and how many different items will appear.
  • Timer
    ○ Timer starts from the moment the plane spawns and must run out before players can collect the drop.
  • Sync
    ○ The drop is created in each client, but the location and receipt of the drop are completely sync.
  • Configuration
    ○ Detailed and easy config.
    ○ Configurable rewards for airdrop.
  • Optimization & Files
    ○ This resource is running at idle with 0.00-0.01ms.
    ○ This resource is using Asset Escrow System by FiveM. Open source version in store.
    ○ Some of the files are open for notifications and many editable things. (editable_client.lua & editable_server.lua)


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