FREE FiveM Pawnshop Script

FREE FiveM Pawnshop Script


FREE FiveM Pawnshop Script by GFX Development

Features :
  • The GFX Pawnshop script is compatible with QB or ESX.
  • In the GFX Pawnshop script, your players can sell items you specify at designated pawnshop locations. • For some items, you can add a sales quantity check, ensuring that players cannot sell the item unless they meet the specified quantity.
  • The GFX Pawnshop script includes a boss system that allows your players to own their pawnshops. Players can purchase a pawnshop at a specified location and control the number of items available for sale as well as toggle the visibility of items in the menu.
  • Additionally, pawnshop owners have a menu with these features: editing saleable items, viewing sales statistics, and accessing the pawnshop’s cash register.

Showcase : 

Requirements for Pawnshop Script: 

  • oxmysql or ghmattimysql or mysql-async

1 review for FREE FiveM Pawnshop Script

  1. Prentice Inyard

    The FREE FiveM Pawnshop script is worth every penny. It’s made my server administration so much easier.

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