SleepOrSex – FiveM Script

SleepOrSex – FiveM Script


SKU: TEBEX3505 Categories: ,

Script Showcase :

Script Description:

  • You can sleep or having sex with anyone on the server at any bed
  • Sync Animation to other
  • Easy to Configurable
  • Give any chance pregnant after sex? Why not?
  • SQL included for pregnant
  • Full Health after having sex or sleep
  • Encrypted script
  • Optimized script

Updated to new version

  1. Add condom for prevent pregnant (the girl need using that)
  2. Add abortion for cancel pregnant
  3. Add pill for woman for prevent pregnant
  4. Add time for pregnant (saved on the sql)
  5. Add testpack to check what time the girl will give the child birth (will trigger the new outfit)
  6. Add animation when pregnant (dizzy animation at random time)
  7. Fix the loop when someone getting sleep/sex
  8. If you about to childbirth, then u can’t have a sex
  9. Add death chance when childbirth
    updated to v1.0.0
  10. Fix all sex animation and sleep (no desync anymore)
  11. Add more animation sex
  12. Add /sexeverywhere if you want having sex everywhere you want! Or using viagra for trigger this one
  13. Add more configuration
  14. Add shower, you can change command (/shower) on config.lua
  15. Add Health after shower (configurable)
  16. Add Armor after shower (configurable)

1 review for SleepOrSex – FiveM Script

  1. Mikkel Bang

    The SleepOrSex – FiveM script is a great value for the price. It’s made my server so much better.

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