FREE Roleplay Chat (Advanced Chat for Roleplay Server)

FREE Roleplay Chat (Advanced Chat for Roleplay Server)


Roleplay Chat (Advanced Chat for Roleplay Server)

Showcase :


  • Framework Support: Compatible with ESX , Qbox and LGF. QBCore support coming soon.
  • Roleplay Integration: Designed specifically for roleplay servers.
    • Job Chat: Communicate with others in the same profession.
    • Admin Chat: Dedicated chat for server administrators.
    • Auto Message: Automated messages for various events.
    • Staff Chat: Exclusive chat for staff members only.
    • Fully Editable: Customize to fit your server’s needs.
    • Blacklisted words: Avoid Players They use incorrect terms.
    • CoolDown System: Avoid Players Spam Message.
    • UI Draggable: Easily reposition the chat interface.

1 review for FREE Roleplay Chat (Advanced Chat for Roleplay Server)

  1. Iramar Lora Salazar

    The FREE Roleplay Chat script is a must-have for any FiveM server owner. Highly recommend it!

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