Rockford Luxury Autos Showroom

Rockford Luxury Autos Showroom


SKU: TEBEX1962 Categories: ,

Rockford Luxury Autos Showroom

We all dream of having cool cars to please ourselves and show off in front of others
But where is the place to look and choose a dream?
Rockford Luxury Autos Showroom – is exactly the place where you can see the real masterpieces of the automotive industry!
This showroom will be a great addition to your server, where players can buy, sell and just enjoy the exquisite design of this interior!
Make your server more unique with the Rockford Luxury Auto Showroom!+

FIX (02.04.21):

  • Fixed light;
  • Fixed collision;
  • Fixed texture;
  • Added garage;
  • Optimised interior.

Showcase : 


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More Details

  • This product is FULLY OPEN SOURCE which means you can edit it however you like.
  • Updates are provided on your email and Downloads section in 'My Account' section.

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