RageUI Racing with Leaderboard

RageUI Racing with Leaderboard


Supported Frameworks : , ,

RageUI Racing with Leaderboard

sfyer-racing is a new powerful and fun script provided by Scriptifyer.


Showcase :

Features :

  • Create your own races as you want : in-game complete and easy race creator
  • Simultaneous multi-races support
  • Based on GTA:O UI : uses RageUI and GTA:O natives to provide you a pure experience
  • Configurable : you can adapt the script to fit it perfectly with your server
  • Locale system : you can modify any of the text that are in the script
  • JSON based and standalone : no dependencies and database to run the script !
  • Leaderboard : a leaderboard to follow the progress of the race
  • Open-source : get an instant access to the code and fit it directly with your server !

1 review for RageUI Racing with Leaderboard

  1. Joseph Holguin

    The RageUI Racing with script is a fantastic investment. I’ve already seen a return on it!

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  • This product is FULLY OPEN SOURCE which means you can edit it however you like.
  • Updates are provided on your email and Downloads section in 'My Account' section.

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