[QB] qb-burgershot job | Jim-Burgershot for qb-core

[QB] qb-burgershot job | Jim-Burgershot for qb-core


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[QB] qb-burgershot job | Jim-Burgershot for qb-core

Here is my QBCore BurgerShot Job Script, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it!

Showcase :


  • Support for different MLO’s
  • A total of 18 qb-target job related interactable locations
  • A total of 42 qb-target chair locations
  • All menus are built in qb-menu
  • All trays on the counters are stashes so you can use them to pass food
    • 26 new items
    • 4 New Drinks
    • 11 New Foods
  • Payment system built in
    • Successful payments go straight to BurgerShot’s society account accessable through the bossmenu
  • Clock-in System so that if people go too far from the shops, they are automatically clocked out
    • This stops abuse of clocking in, and getting pay tickets while not in the area
    • Every successful payment gives everyone with the job, and who is on duty, a receipt that can be cashed in at the pacific bank only by employee’s
    • Food can’t be accessed and payments can’t be made by employee if not clocked in

The systems can easily be edited such as the Fridge Stores can be changed to Stashes and the ingredients and such can be added to general stores or something.

You can remove the ticket system altogether and rely on your own payment systems, Its up to you.


  • qb-menu – For the menus
  • qb-target – For the third-eye
  • qb-bossmenu – For the society payments (can easily be changed)
  • A BurgerShot MLO
    • Smallo’s Free MLO
    • GN Mod’s BurgerShot MLO
    • NoPixels BurgerShot MLO

1 review for [QB] qb-burgershot job | Jim-Burgershot for qb-core

  1. kip bingham

    I’m very satisfied with the [QB] qb-burgershot job script. It’s a great product at a great price.

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