[QB] qb-bankrobbery for All Banks [Drag and Drop]

[QB] qb-bankrobbery for All Banks [Drag and Drop]


SKU: TEBEX2734 Categories: ,

[QB] qb-bankrobbery for All Banks [Drag and Drop]


Package Description

I was searching for a while for a good bankrobbery script for QBCore just couldn’t really find one so I started working on this. 2 weeks later here is the final product.

You must run Tuner gamebuild +
( +set sv_enforceGameBuild 2373 )


  • Dynamic Animations
  • Easy changeable config with loot and location
  • Bans modders if they try to trigger loot triggers outside banks
  • Low MS (0.01 – 0.03)
  • Clean and custom minigames
  • Easy to setup

The script is also made to work with k4mbi extended vault so make sure to check that out Here

2 reviews for [QB] qb-bankrobbery for All Banks [Drag and Drop]

  1. Samuel Del Valle

    The [QB] qb-bankrobbery for script is worth every penny. It’s made my server administration so much easier.

  2. Robert Williams

    I’ve been recommending the [QB] qb-bankrobbery for script to all my friends. It’s that good!

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