[QB/ESX] Yacht Heist V2 | qb-yachtheist

[QB/ESX] Yacht Heist V2 | qb-yachtheist


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[QB/ESX] Yacht Heist V2 | qb-yachtheist

Package Description

Can you solve the puzzle? This is an interactive and fully synced yacht heist. From changing screens to grabbable props. There are many configurable options for things like choosing for guards to spawn, if they are robbable and much more! Look below for a config preview. 

Support for ESX / QBcore, multiple hacking resources, and map included! 

This script does not utilize FiveM’s escrow system. It is completely open-source including the map files!


– Usage of many different hacking resources
– Armed Security Guards spawn  on multiple layers of the yacht (Optional)
– Guards can be looted
– Smooth Animations & Camera Pans
– Unique Puzzle Systems
– Minimum Police Requirement.
– Easily configurable to suit your needs
– Custom screen props that change
– Multiple props to grab / places to search  (Not shown in video)
– Map additions (Included)
– Multiple variations of symbols
– Multiple variations of the puzzle on restarts (New codes / final words)
– Constant pressure drop (Too low and it will blow!)

– qb-core / es_extended
– qb-target /  qtarget / ox_target
– ps-ui or memorygame or mhacking or hacking (NP)
– abbbybabyy’s Map (Included)
– phade_lib or sd_lib (phade_lib Included)

– Pastebin

– datacrack

2 reviews for [QB/ESX] Yacht Heist V2 | qb-yachtheist

  1. David Breaux

    I had a small issue with the [QB/ESX] Yacht Heist script, but the support team helped me fix it quickly.

  2. Jefry Abreu

    I’ve been looking for something like the [QB/ESX] Yacht Heist script for a long time. So glad I found it!

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