Jewelry Heist for Gabz Maps
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Jewelry Heist for Gabz Maps
Jewelry Heist for Gabz Maps
Jewelry Heist for Gabz Maps is a heist like no other, designed for players on your server to work together in robbing the jewelry store. This heist is intentionally challenging, so it’s not as simple as entering the store, grabbing the loot, and leaving. With the new system, players can only rob the store within a specific time period. For example, if it’s set for 10 PM, it means that the door locks at 10 PM and the alarm is activated. Now, it’s the player’s task to navigate through the mini-games and lasers that may hinder their progress. If a player forgets to disable the alarm or fails to bypass the lasers, the alarm will trigger, and the store will go into lockdown mode. This means that the doors leading out of the store will be locked, and unless players can hack their way out, they will be trapped inside until the police arrive.
Showcase :
Dependencies :
- qb-core (and qb-target, qb-doorlock etc.)
- qb-doorlock
- qb-inventory / lj-inventory / ox_inventory / custom
- ps-dispatch by Project Sloth – Can be changed in the client/open.lua
- memorygame by pushkart2 – Can be changed in the client/open.lua
- varhack by JoeSzymkowiczFiveM – Can be changed in the client/open.lua
- mka-lasers by mkafrin
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