FREE Ai Police Response
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FREE Ai Police Response
This mod enables AI police dispatch/wanted levels and replaces the base GTA V police dispatch system with something less punishing and more realistic. It is highly configurable and all configuration and code is thoroughly commented to facilitate end-user modification. You could configure this to be even more brutal than base-game if you wanted, or even easier. The idea was to have AI police for a small RP server just for your friends where having a bunch of player police was not possible.
Features :
- Config option to only enable AI police if player police are not online. You can configure the number of player police required. And set whether they have to be onDuty to count toward the total.
- Custom police loadouts per unit spawned, loadouts are randomized and include a spawnChance weighting to make them more or less likely.
- Custom police units per “zone”, by default separated into “jurisdictions” (aka regions) Los Santos, Paleto Bay, Sandy Shores, or Countryside. Includes a spawnChance weighting to make each unit more or less likely. Also a minimum wanted level for them to spawn. By default I have the riot and fbi vehicles weighted much higher so once you hit those wanted levels they spawn far more often, but regular units can still respond too.
- Each police unit has customizable peds assigned to them, so you can change the ped models if you wish.
- Police helicopters will spawn at higher wanted levels. This is also configurable. By default they respond at 4 wanted stars instead of 3.
- Military helicopters and planes can spawn if the player is in a helicopter or a plane themselves.
- Number of units spawned per wanted level is customizable. Separate settings for ground units, helicopters, and planes (aka air units).
- Dead police units are removed after a certain time, allowing more to spawn. This timer is customizable. Timers for ground units, helicopters, and air units are separate.
- Far away police units are removed after a certain time, allowing more to spawn. This timer is customizable. Timers for ground units, helicopters, and air units are separate.
- Customizable evasion times for each wanted level.
- Customizable spawn distances for ground units, helicopters, and air units.
- Separate police units for each player. This means if two players are wanted together in the same car double the amount of police will spawn. If four wanted players are in a vehicle together you get four times the police response. I may consider changing this some day but I like the difficulty scaling with this.
- Police are spawned serverside, then their networkIDs are sent back to the client that requested police so they can be controlled and maintained. They should not migrate to other clients, and the distance culling is high so they can still be controlled from far away. This means units will be properly sycned across clients and you will see police chasing other players.
- Stolen police vehicles will not de-spawn if occupied by a player at the time the script tries to clean them up (due to peds being dead, peds being far away, or losing wanted stars). So they wont disappear if you manage to steal one mid chase. However, they will never despawn if this happens. I plan to add logic that removes them once the player abandons them for a certain time/distance in the future.
- Players with police jobs can be protected from becoming wanted, option to apply this protection only when on-duty.
Requirements for FREE Ai Police Response:
This mod requires QBCore for: Notifications, counting players with Police jobs online, checking near vehicles (because the native function for this was giving me trouble), and checking if isDying or inLastStand and cancelling wanted levels. In theory, it could be removed if you switch the near vehicle check to the native and remove notifications and last stand logic.
Exports for FREE Ai Police Response :
Use these export calls
exports['fenix-police']:ApplyWantedLevel(wantedLevelHere) -- wanted level can be 1 to 5, this ADDS the wantedLevelHere value to the existing wanted level!
exports['fenix-police']:SetWantedLevel(wantedLevelHere) -- wanted level can be 1 to 5, this SETS the players wanted level to the wantedLevelHere value if it is higher than the current wanted level.

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