Advanced Fishing Job

Advanced Fishing Job


SKU: TEBEX6217 Categories: , , ,

Full QBCore & ESX Compatibility. (supports custom qb-core names and all qb custom file dependency names)

Showcase :

This completely configurable script consist of:
● New world fishing minigame support.
● Very extensive config.lua with options to customize everything.
● Custom lang system to support multiple languages.
● 8 different massive loot tables depending on the rod or reel your using or if you are in a tournament or not.
● This script is partially locked using escrow encryption. Most of the script is accessible in client/open.lua, sv_open.lua, shared.lua and all html
● Custom tournament UI that updates live Displaying 1st, 2nd, and 3rd position and points of your competitors, your position, and your points.
● UI that updates live Displaying showing how much time until the signups finish and how long until the tournament ends.
● The option to make players require a boat to fish.
● Multiple random tournaments each tsunami.
● Dynamic fishing reputation system.
● Higher tier fishing rod crafting bench.
● Fish market sell shop.
● valuable gems sell shop.
● Fishing rod crafting bench.
● 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tournament place cash and item rewards.
● Multiple fishing rods and fishing lures with different tiers.
● Dynamic and configurable minigames for each fishing rod tier.
● Fishing Rep to be able to unlock better fishing rods.
● Configured random zones each time a tournament begins.
● Menu displays all information about players in tournament and exactly the countdown time until a new one begins.
● 100 different chest locations to find while using the map.
● 35 unique custom items with each having custom high quality pngs.
● Treasure bottle that opens into a treasure map used to find hidden treasure around the map.
● Using the treasure map will turn you in the correct direction and make you point in the correct direction of the treasure chest that can be found.
● 6 different unique hand crafted custom animations with props.
● Uses configurable polyzones to setup the tournament area.
● Support for ps-lock, other core names, and other target systems.
● Runs at 0.0 ms resmon
● 2 illegal fishing reels that can only be used deep sea fishing.
● both reels have a durability that gets used up when using.
● Support to make all fishing rods use ps-lock.

Requirements consist of:
QBCore OR ESX (other frameworks will work but not supported)
qb-menu OR ox_lib (ps-ui or any qb-menu resource name changed will work)
qb-target OR ox_target (any qb-inventory resource name changed will work)

1 review for Advanced Fishing Job

  1. Jonathan Nordin

    The Advanced Fishing Job script is a great product. It’s easy to use and delivers excellent results.

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